In 2002 Lang and Bev led a group of 80 riders on an outback adventure on tiny Post Office Honda motorcycles, 3,000km from Brisbane to Darwin. Repeated annually over different routes across Australia, the Postie Bike Challenge has since the third year been successfully run by their daughter Kylie and her partner Dan Gridley. Over the 17 years a contribution of over $2,000,000 has been made to community groups and charities.
Riders come from all over the world with about 20% women in the group. At least half of the ride is on remote unmade outback roads and tracks. The riders get full support with mechanical assistance but must camp each night for the 10 day adventure. Small communities get together to welcome the riders and provide meals and of course a cold beer at the end of what can be a very tiring day.
Dan and Kylie have such a professional and happy event that many riders have been on multiple rides. Dan has resorted to cutting off entries early to contain the numbers so popular has it become
See website postiebikechallenge.org