
  • World Vintage Air Rally

    Organised and led by Lang and Bev 24 antique pre-1950 aircraft set out from England to fly across the world to Australia.

  • Vickers Vimy Recreation

    They constructed an exact replica of a 1919 Vickers Vimy bomber with American Peter McMillan and flew it 14,000 miles from England to Australia to recreate the first flight between those countries.

  • Avro Avian Flight

    Lang restored and then flew a tiny 1927 Avro Avian biplane a tiny 1927 Avro Avian biplane recreate the first solo flight. Bev was the sole administrative support in 18 countries.

  • Postie Bike Challenge

    Lang and Bev organised and led a ride (on tiny 110cc Honda postman’s bikes) of 3,000km through the Australian outback for up to 60 riders. This annual event is still run by daughter Kylie and son-in-law Dan.

  • Working for UN in Iraq

    Lang ran 200 trucks for the UN  World Food Program to transport wheat from Kuwait to Iraq.

  • Working for the UN in Bhutan

    Lang managed the UN School Food Program distribution throughout Bhutan

  • Dodge Expedition to Normandy

    After restoring a 1940 Dodge Army staff Car, Lang and Bev shipped it to Aqaba in Jordan, then drove through the  Middle East and Europe to then celebrate the 60th Anniversary of D-Day.

  • Peking to Paris

    Lang and Bev with Warren Brown, recreated the great 1907 Peking to Paris motor race. They gathered the same 5 makes of 1907 cars. Lang restored a fabulous 1907 ITALA as their own vehicle.

  • Around the World in a Fiat 500

    Lang and Bev drove a tiny 1969 Fiat 500 around the world. 35,000kms in 99 days – the smallest car to do a world circumnavigation from Australia to Russia, Alaska and back to Australia.

  • Istanbul to Normandy

    Lang and Bev organised and led a group with 15 restored WW11 vehicles from Australia and New Zealand starting Istanbul and travelling to the 65th celebrations of D-Day in Normandy, France.

  • The Willy’s Overland Expedition

    Lang and Bev with Carl Neilsen restored and drove a 1915 Willy’s Overland car 6,000kms around outback Queensland to promote Prostate Cancer awareness to the folks in the bush.

  • The Great Sidecar Expedition

    Lang and Bev led 20 old Russian Army sidecar motorcycles on a 6,000km trip from Ukraine through Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Croatia to Italy

  • West to East across Australia

    With two other vehicles Lang and Bev drove from Cape Leeuwin in SW Western Australia to Cape Bedford in NE Queensland via the Anne Beadell Hwy and Simpson Desert.

  • Riding Motorbikes in Vietnam

    Lang with some mates did a trip to Vietnam and rode motorbikes in very remote off-road areas up on the Chinese border.

  • Bangladash, Burma and a Bonanza

    Recovering “The Green Puppy” abandoned in Bangladash during the World Vintage Air Rally.

  • Indian Expedition

    Lang and Bev spent 7 weeks in an old Suzuki 4×4 travelling the most remote mountain roads in the NE India along the Bangladesh and Burma borders.

  • First to Cape York by Austin 7

    Lang and Bev recreated the first car journey to Australia’s most northerly point in a 1928 Austin 7 identical to the first expedition vehicle.

  • USA Flying Safari

    Lang and Bev organised and led 7 aircraft around 18 USA states. 50 flying hours and 10,000km 20 people from Australia and New Zealand participated.

  • Cape York in a WW11 Jeep

    Lang  with a group of friends drove to the tip of Cape York in WW11 vehicles.

  • Drive Yourself Trips

    Lang and Bev since 2014 have run 4 “Drive Yourself Trips” around Europe. Usually about 10 cars and 20 people participate on each trip.